This website is maintained by Verlag MEIGA, Tamera, Portugal.

Verlag MEIGA is the publishing house connected to Tamera. It aims to manifest the “Healing Biotopes Plan” initiated by Dieter Duhm. Healing Biotopes are centers where the desired non-violent world society can be experienced in real life. These centers shall arise at many places on Earth. Even a few such centers worldwide would suffice to introduce a new era of peace.
Verlag MEIGA keeps contact with those who want to participate in this global cooperative for a future without war.
Dieter Duhm’s books and articles serve the preparation of a global mental-spiritual field which supports the manifestation of these centers.

We are thankful for all financial support of Dieter Duhm’s work. We are cooperating with the Grace Foundation and the Institute of Global Peace Work, Tamera, Portugal.
Donations can be sent to following accounts:

Within Europe:
Grace-Stiftung zur Humanisierung des Geldes
Bank: Raiffeisenbank Zürich
(PC-Konto der Bank: 87-71996-7)
Clearing 81487

in Euro:
Kto. 92188.69
IBAN CH9881487000009218869


in CHF:
Kto. 92188.56
IBAN CH6181487000009218856

Thank you!


Verlag MEIGA GbR
c/o Tamera
Monte do Cerro,
7630-392 Relíquias,
Ph: +351 283 635 344
E-Mail: info (at)