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CORONA – A Wake-up Call For Humanity

CORONA – A Wake-up Call For Humanity

January 2022 Dear Friends!“The human being is the eye of evolution,” wrote Aldous Huxley. What does this eye see, when it looks into the world today? It sees two very different things. It sees an ever-growing tidal wave of catastrophes, cruelties, powerlessness, and...
Overcoming Fascism

Overcoming Fascism

We are living in times of change. Latent fascism is present everywhere. It is not effective to fight fascism with ideology; this cannot change much.

The Healing Biotopes Plan

The Healing Biotopes Plan

The “Healing Biotopes Plan” is a global peace strategy developed, both in theory and practice, over nearly 40 years by Dr. Dieter Duhm, Sabine Lichtenfels and others, with the aim of bringing about a worldwide process of healing on Earth – a future without war.