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Is it still possible to free the Earth from the immeasurable violence? – I push all illusion aside and answer, yes. That possibility exists, if we want and do it with all the powers available to us.
Dieter Duhm

The “Healing Biotopes Plan”

… is a global peace strategy developed in more than 40 years of work in both theory and practice by the author and psychoanalyst Dr. Dieter Duhm, together with Sabine Lichtenfels founder of the Peace Research Center Tamera, with the aim of bringing about a worldwide process of healing on Earth – a future without war.

The plan is based on the vision of a human existence free of fear and violence, of ending the war between the genders, of free love and free sexuality, of 
cooperating with nature and all its beings, of freely supplying all living beings with enough food, clean water, and energy.

Dieter Duhm’s “Political Theory” describes in scientific terms why and how this vision can be realized within a relatively short time. Only a few special centers worldwide, “Healing Biotopes”, embedded in a global movement and network of support, can replace the existing information field of fear and violence with a new, globally effective information field of trust and cooperation. ,

Eros and Healing

There cannot be peace on Earth as long as there is war in love.

Theory of Global Healing

Behind the epidemic of merciless violence hides the experience of a pain which can no longer be dealt with in conventional ways. Yet it can be healed.

Realizing Utopia

The world will change for the better if we show that this is possible.


Stop the Madness! There Is a Different World

Stop the Madness! There Is a Different World

Download this article as PDF For as long as people massacre animals, they will kill each other.~ Bernard ShawThere can be no peace in the world as long as there is war in love.~ Dieter Duhm A Russian bomb falls on a school in Ukraine. The bomb explodes, the school...

Where Is the Way Out?

Where Is the Way Out?

Download PDF There can be no peace in the world,as long as there is war in love.   I have hesitated for a long time to publish this text. It does not deal with the geopolitical and strategic background of the current war in Ukraine, but with the topic of war in...


Where Is the Way Out?

Where Is the Way Out?

Download PDF There can be no peace in the world,as long as there is war in love.   I have hesitated for a long time to publish this text. It does not deal with the geopolitical and strategic background of the current war in Ukraine, but with the topic of war in...

In imperialist societies people hardly had a chance to develop their sexual powers of love freely, for the patriarchal world could only function by suppressing and controlling these forces. Whoever controls sexuality controls the entire human being.

Dieter Duhm









…for a future without war.

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