
1942: Born in Berlin, in the middle of World War II. Difficult childhood: Nights of bombings, evacuation to Southern Germany, persecution by the local village youth. He survives healthily by continuously painting.
1954: Participation in Christian relief actions such as “Bread for the World”. Beginning of his search for God.
1964-1969: University studies leading to several degrees.
1967-1972: Student leader and activist in the marxist left-wing movement. Publication of the bestseller “Angst im Kapitalismus” (“Fear in Capitalism”)
1973: Leaves marxist work because: “The anti-imperialistic fight and the attempt to develop in it new forms of community and real socialism failed due to human conflicts. Without creating a sustainable human basis, continuing the political work no longer makes sense to me.”
1974: Three offers of professorship, which he declines.
1976: Stepping out of all old structures. Five months of solitary retreat searching for a meaningful way to put an end to the worldwide violence – also in personal love relationships.
1978: Foundation of the “Bauhütte” (the German term for the medieval craftsmen’s lodges), a first step towards today’s Tamera.
1984-1987: Three-year social experiment with 40 participants in the Southern Black Forest. A search for new solutions to all questions of sex, love, partnership, community, children, animals, group hierarchy and cooperation with the beings of nature. In 1987, the project had to be ended because of media slander and cult accusations. Smaller groups separate and continue working at various places.
Starting in 1990: Search for a site for a new start. It was no longer possible to work in Germany.
1995: Foundation of Tamera Peace Research Center, Portugal together with his life partner, Sabine Lichtenfels, where around 170 people now live and work.
Since 2005: Establishment of a worldwide network, development of the Global Campus. Courses on art and healing, the sacred matrix and holographic worldview, and the theory of global healing.