The new book


“Und sie erkannten sich. Das Ende der sexuellen Gewalt”
by Dieter Duhm and Sabine Lichtenfels is launched in Berlin, Germany,

When: Nov. 5th, 2018, 7pm
Where:Samuel-Hahnemann-Schule – Codlitzstr. 34-36, 12099 Berlin
Raum A

What does “healing of love” mean? What is “insight in sexuality”? How can there be reconciliation between the genders? How can we restore trust and love between men and women? Sabine Lichtenfels (together with her partner Dieter Duhm co-founder of Tamera) will present this new book.

You are invited to come to an inspiring evening!

In early 2019 we plan to publish the English translation (And They Knew Each Other. The End of Sexual Violence.) You can already buy the book to a reduced subscription price here.