A Plan for the Healing of Humankind and the Earth

by Monika Alleweldt,
Verlag Meiga

The “Healing Biotopes Plan” is a global peace strategy developed, both in theory and practice, over nearly 40 years by Dr. Dieter Duhm, Sabine Lichtenfels and others, with the aim of bringing about a worldwide process of healing on Earth – a future without war.
The plan is based on a clear vision. Dieter Duhm’s “Political Theory” describes this vision in scientific terms. The theory explains why and how only a few outstanding centers worldwide, “Healing Biotopes,” can replace the existing information field of fear and violence with a new, globally effective information field of trust and cooperation.

How can these local centers have a global effect? The answer lies in the nature of holistic systems, whose functions and parameters are described in the Political Theory. In his book Future Without War Duhm writes,

Crucial to the success of these local centers is not how big and strong they are (compared to the existing apparatuses of violence), but how comprehensive and complex they are, how many elements of life are well combined and united within them. Evolutionary fields develop not according to the “survival of the fittest,” but the success of the most comprehensive. Otherwise, no new development could prevail, for they all started small and inconspicuous.

What is a Healing Biotope?
A Healing Biotope is the model of a future society. Just as a new prototype is first developed in a laboratory, the Healing Biotopes Plan is based on building a new society first as a model before it can be applied on a large scale. In a future peace culture, the problems currently leading to war all over the world will be solved (or will be in a process of being solved). Healing Biotopes are therefore places where these solutions are prepared. The results must be applicable and accessible to everyone who seeks them. Healing Biotopes are organized so that the various solutions can be linked to each other until the image of the overall model becomes visible.
For clarity, we divide it into different aspects:
1. The material basis of life
2. The social basis of life
3. The spiritual basis of life
Humankind needs new responses in these three areas to be able to initiate a nonviolent future.

The problem of the material basis of life is expressed in the global lack of water, food and energy and in their inequitable distribution. Desertification, famine and peak oil are just some aspects of this scarcity, which arises as a result of the fundamentally wrong way in which humanity deals with nature. The necessary correction is based in creating life systems compatible with the regenerative systems and inexhaustible energy sources from nature.
The solution specifically lies in the implementation of decentralized, regionally self-sufficient, water-rich and sustainable centers where up to several thousand people can live. With the support of Water Retention Landscapes, permaculture and new energy technologies working according to the laws of life, these centers will be able to supply all of humanity with an abundance of food, energy and fresh drinking water within a few decades. At the same time they heal all of nature’s ecosystems and living beings. The apparent contradiction between thriving economically and protecting nature is thus overcome.
The new energy technologies are no longer based on breaking resistances, but follow a “line of tension.” They connect the new centers with the everlasting energy sources of the sun and the universe. The fight for resources will come to its end.

The social basis of life, in all societies, has been destroyed. People have lost the ability to live together in peace. Fear, alienation and mistrust lead to irresolvable conflicts in all systems, from the smallest scale of marriage and family all the way to the wars and global crisis areas. The latent readiness for violence can break out at any time and be used for the cruelest of atrocities.
Healing Biotopes demonstrate how creating new living environments can structurally and lastingly develop cooperation and trust. The change does not happen (only) through individual therapy or admonitions. Marx said, “It is the social being that determines consciousness.” A new type of socialization is the higher level of order at which previously hopeless conflicts can be resolved. The people in these new communities support each other and their fellow creatures, not because they follow external moral commandments, but because they have recognized that all that lives is part of the great family of life, to which they themselves also belong.
Central to building trust is the reconciliation of the genders. There can be no peace on Earth as long as there is war in love. The patriarchal society must be transformed into a way of life in which both women and men reconnect with their sensual knowledge and apply it for a future culture of partnership between masculine and the feminine.

The fight against the spiritual basis of life proceeds today in such a subtle and encompassing way that it can hardly be perceived. We only notice the consequences of being spiritually bankrupt in eruptions such as religious wars, structures of domination and subordination, psychological deprivation and blocked anger reaching all the way to self-destruction. Humanity has lost its authentic spiritual and ethical anchor. Returning from this “exile” requires developing a new worldview and studying a theory of primal trust that is able to open the human heart again. Autonomous, independently thinking human beings will evolve out of this learning process – people who no longer submit themselves to punishing authorities. Such people have developed a strong humane core and are therefore incorruptible. They make life itself their sacred authority and protect it wherever they are. Healing Biotopes are spiritual training centers for this kind of human being.

The State of Implementation
The Healing Biotopes Plan is mature and far developed theoretically and in practice. In 1995, the first Healing Biotope was established – Tamera in Portugal. Today approximately 170 co-workers, students, youth and children are living and working there. The work was strongly focused on building a resilient community in the first years. Over time, various sub-projects within Tamera have developed – the ecology department, the SolarVillage Test Field, the Animal Project, the Children’s Republic, the Youth Place, the guest center, the peace education, the Art Department, the Love School, the Political Ashram, The Grace Foundation and the Institute for Global Peace Work. The Global Campus was established with cooperation partners in Israel-Palestine, Colombia, Mexico, Brazil, Kenya and other countries. A growing global network links Tamera with an increasing number of projects and individuals around the world. In this network the seeds for further Healing Biotopes are germinating. Now the project faces the next level of manifestation.

The Next Steps

  1. Healing Biotopes and peace centers need international protection and support. For this purpose a “world council” is to be established with people who pick up the idea, cooperate with one another and support the plan.
  2. The plan requires international distribution and acknowledgment so that more and more people will be able to see the endeavor as realistically feasible.
  3. Alongside the indispensable political awakening to what is happening on Earth, a new peace movement needs media channels and professionals to develop and spread the archetypal images and words of peace, through for example political art, films, commentary on global events, et cetera. The underlying potential of revolutionary power is thereby awakened, for this information is in resonance with a dream anchored in every human being’s soul.
  4. All those interested need free access to the necessary knowledge. More and more people from around the world are studying these new thoughts. We are working to establish a series on free webinars about all of these topics.
  5. All the aforementioned points call for donors, journalistic support, and committed people who want to contribute to the manifestation.

Thank you!
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